博主按 ¶
本文分为两个部分,前一部分是How to write in plain English⧉的翻译. 版权归“简明英语运动”所有. 这篇文章的版权不遵守本站的知识共享协议. 我在翻译之前给他们发了邮件想要得到许可,但一直没有收到回复. 本翻译仅作学习用途,如有任何不妥可以联系我删除. 任何翻译得不好的地方可以评论或邮件联系我指出. 另外,他们的网站里有很多免费的指南⧉,包括一些特定主题的简明英语写作以及基本的语法知识等,未来如果有时间我也可以继续翻译一部分.
另外,我找到了来自美国政府官方网站的这份简单词语列表:Use simple words and phrases⧉,我把它以附录的形式放在本文的后面作为补充. 简明语言行动与信息网络⧉是一个没有资金支持的工作小组,他们提倡在政府公文写作中使用简明的语言,这样可以节约时间和金钱. 该网站为联邦网站,内容均属公共领域,无需要求授权即可任意使用. 该网站也提供大量的教程、指引、用例、资源和训练课程,读者也可以自行阅读、浏览.
正文 ¶
版权:“简明英语运动”(Plain English Campaign)⧉拥有这份指南的版权. 你可以将他们的指南打印出来或保存在硬盘里自用. 如果没有经过允许,你不能影印任何指南,也不能将电子版的拷贝传阅给他人.
- 让你的句子保持短小
- 尽量用主动的动词
- 使用“you(你)”和“we(我们)”
- 使用对读者来说适当的单词
- 不要害怕下达指示
- 避免名词化
- 在合适的地方使用列表
所以简明英语是什么? ¶
- 它并不是诸如“cat sat on the mat”或“Janet and John”1的写作. 无论是传单、信件,还是法律的文档,几乎任何东西都可以用简明英语写出,不需要屈尊俯就或过度简化.
- 它并不意味着缩减你信息的长度或改变它的意思. 大多数英国最大型的保险公司出台的保险单就是用简明英语写成的,那些保险单把所有事项都完整地解释了.
- 它不是关于禁止新词汇、排除长单词、或推动绝对完美语法的. 当然也不是关于放任语法变差的.
- 它不是交流沟通的业余方法. 大多数有远见的高级经理一直在使用简明英语写作.
- 以及最后,它没有我们想象的那么容易.
不过在最近几年中,这些罪魁祸首中的一些人已经开始纠正问题. 要么他们清楚地重写了他们的文档,要么他们给员工培训了简明英语的艺术,或者是两者兼有.
- 它写起来很快;
- 它读起来很快;而且
- 你可以更经常地、更容易地、更友好地把你的信息传达清楚.
如果你每天花费多于一个小时的时间写作,那么你在某种程度上就是一位专业的作家. 所以正确的写作是至关重要的.
让你的句子保持短小 ¶
大多数专家都会同意,清晰的写作中句子的平均长度应该是 15 到 20 个单词.
这并不意味着要让每句话都一样长. 要有冲击力. 通过将短句(比如上一个句子)和长句(比如这一句)混合在一起,来让你的写作富于变化. 遵循[在一句话中只围绕一个主旨]的基本原则,可能再加上一个其他的相关的点. 你应该很快就能保持住句子的平均长度,就像顶级记者和作者一样,这十分容易.
然而,一开始你可能会发现自己还是会写一些奇怪的长句子,特别是在试图解释一个复杂的观点时. 不过大多数长句子都可以用某种方式拆分.
尽量用主动动词 ¶
为了解释主动动词和被动动词之间的区别,我们需要简单地看一下一个句子是如何组合在一起的. 几乎每个句子都有三个主要部分:
- 一个主语(做出行为的人、组织或事物);
- 一个动词(行为本身);以及
- 一个宾语(行为所针对的人、组织或事物).
举个例子,在“Peter watched the television(Peter 看电视)”这个句子中:
- 主语是 Peter[他是做出 watching(看)这个动作的人];
- 动词是 watched(看);以及
- 宾语是 the television(电视)[它是被 watched(看)的对象].
当然,通常还会有很多其他词语. 比如:“Peter, the boy from number 13, watched the television every Friday night(13 岁的男孩 Peter 每个周五晚上都看电视)”. 但主语、动词和宾语还是那些.
Peter(主语) watched(动词) the television(宾语). [Peter(主语)看(动词)电视(宾语).]
“watched(看)”在这里是一个主动动词. 句子先说谁在 watched(看),再说 watched(看)的是什么.
如果是被动句的话,宾语变成主语,主语变成宾语. The television(主语) was watched(动词) by Peter(宾语).[电视被 Peter 看.]
请记住,主语不一定是人,宾语不一定是物!“The tree crushed Peter.(大树砸到了 Peter.)”是主动句,但“Peter was crushed by the tree(Peter 被大树砸到了.)”是被动句.
This matter will be considered by us shortly.(此事将尽快被我们考虑.)(被动)
We will consider this matter shortly.(我们将尽快考虑此事.)(主动)
The riot was stopped by the police.(暴动被警察制止.)(被动)
The police stopped the riot.(警察制止了暴动.)(主动)
The mine had to be closed by the authority.(这个矿场不得不被当局关闭.)(被动)
The authority had to close the mine.(当局不得不关闭了这个矿场.)(主动)
- 它们会让人感到困惑.
- 它们常常使写作变得唠唠叨叨.
- 它们让写作缺乏生气.
被动语态的良好使用 ¶
- 为了减少敌意——“这个账单还没有支付(this bill has not been paid)”(被动)比“你还没有支付账单(you have not paid this bill)”(主动)要更加柔和.
- 为了避免承担责任——“一个错误被犯下了(a mistake was made)”(被动),而不是“我们犯了一个错误(we made a mistake)”(主动).
- 当你不知道做出行为的人是谁时——“英格兰队被选中了(the England team has been picked)”.
- 如果只是听上去更好.
但尽量确保你有大约 80-90% 的动词都是主动的.
主动动词和被动动词之间的这种区别并不容易掌握. 有些人从来没有真正理解过. 所以,如果你感到困惑,请再次阅读这一小节.
使用“you(你)”和“we(我们)” ¶
试着用“you(你)”来称呼读者,即使读者只是你所泛泛而谈的许多人中的一个. 如果在一开始这么做让你感觉不对,请记住,如果你对某个坐在你桌子对面的人说话,你是不会使用类似“the applicant(这位申请人)”和“the supplier(这位供货商)”这样的词的.
Applicants must send us…(申请人必须给我们……)
You must send us…(你必须给我们……)
We always tell customers before we…(我们会先告诉客户,然后再……)
We will tell you before we…(我们会先告诉你,然后再……)
Advice is available from…(建议可以从以下地方获得:……)
You can get advice from…(你可以从以下地方获得建议:……)
类似地,要称你的组织为“we(我们)”. 另外在同一封信中同时使用“we(我们)”和“I(我)”是没有问题的.
使用对读者来说适当的单词 ¶
当你与你的读者交谈时,要准确地说出你的意思,用最简单的合适的单词来表达. 这并不一定意味着仅使用简单的单词——使用读者能理解的单词就可以了.
在这份指南的末尾,有一个列表,列出了一些我们建议你避免使用的单词. 但对于大多数单词,你必须自己决定它们是否合适.
行话(jargon)是一种只有特定人群才能理解的语言. 当你写给能够理解这些术语和短语的人的时候,你可以使用行话,这是一种很有用的简略表达的方式. 但是,要尽量避免对普通公众使用专业的行话.
所以在一般情况下,尽可能地保持使用日常的英语. 另外再想象一下,你正隔着一张桌子与你的读者对话.
不要害怕下达指令 ¶
- Sit!(坐下!)
- Brush your teeth.(刷刷你的牙.)
- Please send it to me.(请把它送到我这里来.)
它们都是命令——正式点说叫做祈使句. 它们是给别人下达指令时最快、最直接的方式.
- Dogs are advised that they should sit down.(狗狗被告知它们应该坐下. )
- Your teeth should be brushed.(你的牙需要被刷刷.)
- I should be grateful if you would send it to me.(如果你能把它送到我这里来,我会很感激.)
似乎他们总是有一种对命令的恐惧. 最常见的错误是在该说“do this(做这件事)”时却说了“customers should do this(顾客应该做这件事)”或“you should do this(你应该做这件事)”. 也许人们担心命令听起来太刺耳,但你往往可以通过在前面加上“please(请)”来解决这个问题. 不过,如果某件事是必须要做的,那你最好不要说“please(请)”,因为它给了读者拒绝这个请求的选择.
You should just think of it as a complete statement.(你应该只把它当作一个完整的陈述.)
Just think of it as a complete statement.(只要把它当作一个完整的陈述就好了.)
Writers should aim to be punchy.(作家应该以言简意赅为目标.)
Be punchy. 要言简意赅.
They should be split where suitable.(它们应该在合适的地方被拆开.)
Split them where suitable.(在合适的地方拆开它们.)
最后一个例子可能是最差的,因为它使用了一个被动动词——“should be split(应该被拆开)”. 不幸的是,这在指令中非常常见. 例如:
The packet should be removed from the box. The contents should then be placed in the oven.(包装应该被从盒子里取出来,然后里面的东西应该被放进烤箱.)
Remove the packet from the box. Then place the contents in the oven. (取出盒子里的包装,再把里面的东西放进烤箱.)
避免名词化 ¶
名词化(nominalisation)是抽象名词的一种类型. (这是简明英语吗?)换句话说,它是一种非物理对象的事物的名字,比如 process(过程)、technique(技术)或 emotion(情感).
动词 | 名词化 |
complete(完成) | completion |
introduce(介绍) | introduction |
provide(提供) | provision |
fail(失败) | failure |
arrange(安排) | arrangement |
investigate(调查) | investigation |
那么它们有什么问题呢? ¶
问题在于,被使用的经常是这些名词,而不是它们所来自的动词. 而且因为它们仅仅是事物的名字,所以听起来好像句子中实际什么都没有发生一样. 就像被动动词一样,太多的名词化会让文字变得非常沉闷乏味、难以理解.2
We had a discussion about the matter.(我们对此事做了讨论.)
We discussed the matter.(我们讨论了此事.)
There will be a stoppage of trains by drivers.(这里会有火车司机的停车.)
Drivers will stop the trains.(司机会停下火车.)
The implementation of the method has been done by a team.(该方法的实现已经由一个团队完成.)
A team has implemented the method.(一个团队已经实现了该方法.)
在合适的地方使用列表 ¶
- 整体是一个连续句子的列表. 只是在开头、中间或结尾挑出几个列举的要点.
- 有几个独立要点的列表. 每个要点有一句介绍性的阐述(比如这个列表).
- A list that is a continuous sentence with several listed points picked out at the beginning, middle or end.
- A list of separate points with an introductory statement (like this list).
If you can prove that:
- you were somewhere else at the time;
- you were not related to Mary; and
- you are over 21;
you should be all right.
- 你当时在别的地方;
- 你和 Mary 没有关系;以及
- 你已经超过 21 岁;
正如你所看到的,倒数第二个要点在分号之后有个“and(以及)”. 如果你只需要证明三点中的一点而不是全部,这个词就是“or(或者)”.
要确保每一个要点在逻辑和语法上都与前面的引言部分能连得上. 例如,如果你把第二个要点和第三个要点中的“you(你)”去掉,它仍然流畅得像是一个句子,但那就不是一个列表了,因为引言部分和第三个要点拼凑到一起就变成了“If you can prove that are over 21(如果你能证明已经超过 21 岁)”,这显然是读不通的.
Kevin needed to take the following.
- A penknife
- Some string
- A pad of paper
- A pen
Kevin 需要拿上以下的东西.
- 一把小刀
- 一些线
- 一张纸
- 一支笔
Kevin needed to take:
- a penknife
- some string
- a pad of paper; and
- a pen.
Kevin 需要拿上:
- 一把小刀
- 一些线
- 一张纸;以及
- 一支笔.
你应该在列表中使用圆点,它比数字或字母更好. 因为圆点能让你注意每一个要点,而不会给你额外的信息.
道歉 ¶
如果你正在回复一封棘手的信件或投诉,或者正在处理一个麻烦的问题,请站在读者的角度考虑问题. 要专业,不要感情用事. 你可能不得不给出一个坚决的、不受欢迎的答案,但要尽可能地提供帮助、尽可能地礼貌. 如果你要道歉,请尽早. 如果问题是你的错,请把它说出来. 道歉要彻底、简洁、富有同情心、真诚. 另外,无论是否是你的错,都试着去强调你能为对方做什么.
迷思 ¶
我们不是想通过打破语法规则来赶时髦. 我们只是要消灭一些语法上的迷思.
- 你可以用 and(而且)、but(但是)、because(因为)、so(所以) 或 however(然而) 来开始一个句子.
- 你可以拆分动词不定式. 所以你可以说 to boldly go.
- 你可以用介词来结束一个句子. 实际上,这是我们应该支持的.(You can end a sentence with a preposition. In fact, it is something we should stand up for.)
- 而且如果你找不到更好的单词的话,你可以在同一个句子中使用同一个单词两次.(And you can use the same word twice in a sentence if you can’t find a better word.)
总结 ¶
- 先停下来思考,再写作. 把你要表达的观点按逻辑顺序记下来.
- 优先选择短单词. 长单词既不会给你的读者留下深刻印象,也对你的写作风格没有帮助.
- 尽可能使用日常英语. 避免使用行话和法律术语,并在不得不使用它们时解释一下这些专业术语.
- 将你的句子长度保持在平均 15 至 20 个单词的范围内. 尽量在一个句子中围绕一个主旨.
- 尽量多地使用主动动词. 说“we will do it(我们会做)”而不是“it will be done by us(它会被我们做)”.
- 言简意赅.
- 想象一下你是在和你的读者交谈. 写作时要真诚、个人化,风格要合适、语气要恰当.
- 并且经常检查一下,你的写作是清晰的、有益的、人性化的和礼貌的.
要避免使用的单词 ¶
- additional (extra)
- advise (tell)
- applicant (you)
- commence (start)
- complete (fill in)
- comply with (keep to)
- consequently (so)
- ensure (make sure)
- forward (send)
- in accordance with (under, keeping to)
- in excess of (more than)
- in respect of (for)
- in the event of (if)
- on receipt (when we/you get)
- on request (if you ask)
- particulars (details)
- per annum (a year)
- persons (people)
- prior to (before)
- purchase (buy)
- regarding (about)
- should you wish (if you want)
- terminate (end)
- whilst (while)
这些只是一些建议. 我们提供了更为全面的 A-Z 单词表⧉.
来自简明英语运动(Plain English Campaign)的培训 ¶
我们提供培训课程,教你如何用简明英语撰写文件. 我们开设了以下类型的课程.
- 公开课程,在全国各地3的酒店举办.
- 内部课程,也就是我们到你的公司里去培训你的员工. 这意味着我们可以根据你们的工作情况定制培训内容.
你也可以关注我们的简明英语文凭课程(Plain English Diploma Course). 这是一个为期 12 个月的课程,最后可获得简明英语的资格证书.
我们现在提供两个英语语法课程. 我们的语法检查课程(Grammarcheck Course)旨在教授学员语法、标点、句子结构和拼写的基本知识,这些知识对于清晰的沟通至关重要. 我们偶尔也会开办高级语法课程(Advanced Grammar Course),更详细地讲解标准英语的语法.
您可能也会对简明英语课程(The Plain English Course)感兴趣——我们的教材资料包可以帮助你培训自己的员工.
有关任何课程的详细信息,请访问我们的培训页面⧉. 如果你对培训课程有任何具体问题,请致电我们的培训管理员 Terri Schabel,电话:01663 744409,或发送电子邮件至 info@plainenglish.co.uk.
附录 ¶
下面的内容来自美国政府网站上的 Use simple words and phrases⧉,下面的表格也以此为基础. 不过我向里面补充增加了上文最后提到的“简明英语运动”的那个表格⧉. 吸收进来的内容都使用黄颜色的背景色做了突出标记.
我个人认为这张表格非常有用. 第一,它可以检验、扩充我们的词汇量,左边那些表达尽管复杂,但至少我们在看到时应该能够理解其意思;右边很多都是一些“小词”的一词多义,把它们的使用场景掌握透彻,英语能够更加地道. 第二,对于仍处在中国应试教育环境中的同学,这张表格甚至可以反过来用,把简单的词替换成复杂的词,对于中文母语的阅卷老师来说,这些复杂的词可能就是“高级”的词,它可能会给你的英文作文带来好处.
当你选择单词时,请选择熟悉、常见的,而不是罕见、晦涩的. 有很多表格列出了复杂的单词以及建议替换的单词,下面就是这样一个表格. 另外可参见 Kimble (2006) 中的表格.
下表中有 12 个单词被加粗标记了,它们是坏的,它们是阻碍你的罪魁祸首.
不要这样说 | 要这样说 | 两表都有 |
a and/or b | a or b or both | |
a number of | some | |
(an) absence of | no, none | |
abundance | enough, plenty, a lot (or say how many) | |
accede to | allow, agree to | |
accelerate | speed up | |
accentuate | stress | |
accommodation | where you live, home | |
accompany | go with | |
accompanying | with | |
accomplish | carry out, do, finish | 是 |
accorded | given | |
according to our records | our records show | |
accordingly | so, in line with this | 是 |
accrue | add, gain | |
accurate | correct, exact, right | |
acknowledge | thank you for | |
acquaint yourself with | find out about, read | |
acquiesce | agree | |
acquire | buy, get | |
additional | added, more, other, extra | 是 |
address | discuss | |
addressees | you | |
addressees are requested | (省略), please | |
adjacent | next to | |
adjacent to | next to | |
adjustment | change, alteration | |
admissible | allowed, acceptable | |
advantageous | helpful, useful | 是 |
adversely impact on | hurt, set back | |
advise | recommend, tell, say (除非你是想提建议) | 是 |
affix | add, write, fasten, stick on, fix to | |
afford an opportunity | allow, let | 是 |
afforded | given | |
aforesaid | this, earlier in this document | |
aggregate | total | |
aircraft | plane | |
aligned | lined up, in line | |
alleviate | ease, reduce | |
allocate | divide, share, give | 是 |
along the lines of | like, as in | |
alternative | (a) choice, (the) other | |
alternatively | or, on the other hand | |
ameliorate | improve, help | |
amendment | change | |
anticipate | expect | |
apparent | clear, plain, obvious, seeming | 是 |
applicant (the) | you | |
application | use | |
appreciable | many, large, great | 是 |
apprise | inform, tell | |
appropriate | (省略), proper, right, suitable | 是 |
appropriate to | suitable for | |
approximate | about | |
approximately | about, roughly | |
arrive onboard | arrive | |
as a consequence of | because | |
as a means of | to | |
as of the date of | from | |
as prescribed by | in, under | |
as regards | about, on the subject of | |
ascertain | find out, learn | 是 |
assemble | build, gather, put together | |
assist, assistance | aid, help | |
assistance | help | |
at an early date | soon (or say when) | |
at its discretion | can, may (or edit out) | |
at the moment | now (or edit out) | |
at the present time | at present, now, (或者去掉) | 是 |
attain | meet | |
attempt | try | 是 |
attend | come to, go to, be at | |
attributable to | due to, because of | |
authorise | allow, let | |
authority | right, power, may (as in ‘have the authority to’) | |
axiomatic | obvious, goes without saying | |
be advised | (省略) | |
belated | late | |
beneficial | helpful, useful | |
benefit | help | |
bestow | give, award | |
breach | break | |
by means of | by, with | 是 |
calculate | work out, decide | |
capability | ability | |
caveat | warning | |
cease | finish, stop, end | |
circumvent | get round, avoid, skirt, circle | |
clarification | explanation, help | |
close proximity | near | |
combat environment | combat | |
combine | mix | |
combined | joint, together | 是 |
commence | begin, start | 是 |
communicate | talk, write, telephone (be specific) | |
competent | able, can | |
compile | make, collect | |
complete | fill in, finish | |
completion | end | |
comply with | follow, keep to, meet | 是 |
component | part | 是 |
comprise | form, include, make up | |
comprises | is made up of, includes | |
(it is) compulsory | (you) must | |
conceal | hide | |
concerning | about, on | 是 |
conclusion | end | |
concur | agree | |
condition | rule | |
consequently | so | 是 |
considerable | great, important | |
consolidate | combine, join, merge | |
constitutes | is, forms, makes up | 是 |
construe | interpret | |
consult | talk to, meet, ask | |
consumption | amount used | |
contains | has | |
contemplate | think about | |
contrary to | against, despite | |
convene | meet | |
correct | put right | |
correspond | write | |
costs the sum of | costs | |
counter | against | |
courteous | polite | |
cumulative | added up, added together | |
currently | (省略), now | 是 |
customary | usual, normal | |
deduct | take off, take away | |
deem | believe, consider, think | |
deem to be | treat as | |
defer | put off, delay | |
deficiency | lack of | |
delete | cut, drop, cross out | 是 |
demonstrate | prove, show | 是 |
denote | show | |
depart | leave | |
depict | show | |
designate | appoint, choose, name, point out, show | 是 |
desire | want, wish | 是 |
despatch or dispatch | send, post | |
despite the fact that | though, although | |
determine | decide, figure, find, work out, set, end | 是 |
detrimental | harmful, damaging | |
difficulties | problems | |
diminish | lessen, reduce | |
disburse | pay, pay out | |
discharge | carry out | |
disclose | show, tell | 是 |
disconnect | cut off, unplug | |
discontinue | drop, stop, end | 是 |
discrete | separate | |
discuss | talk about | |
disseminate | give, issue, pass, send, spread | 是 |
documentation | papers, documents | |
domiciled in | living in | |
dominant | main | |
due to the fact that | due to, since, because, as | 是 |
duration | time, life | |
during the period | during | |
during which time | while | |
dwelling | home | |
economical | cheap, good value | |
effect modifications | make changes | |
elect | choose, pick | |
eligible | allowed, qualified | |
eliminate | cut, drop, end | |
elucidate | explain, make clear | |
emphasise | stress | |
employ | use | |
empower | allow, let | |
enable | allow | |
(please find) enclosed | I enclose | |
encounter | meet | 是 |
endeavor | try | |
endeavour | try | |
enquire | ask | |
enquiry | question | |
ensure | make sure | 是 |
entitlement | right | |
enumerate | count | |
envisage | expect, imagine | |
equipments | equipment | |
equitable | fair | |
equivalent | equal, the same | |
erroneous | wrong | |
establish | set up, prove, show, find out | 是 |
evaluate | test, check | |
evidenced | showed | |
evident | clear | |
evince | show, prove | |
ex officio | because of his or her position | |
exceptionally | only when, in this case | |
excessive | too many, too much | |
exclude | leave out | |
excluding | apart from, except | |
exclusively | only | |
exempt from | free from | |
exhibit | show | |
expedite | hasten, speed up, hurry | 是 |
expeditious | fast, quick | |
expeditiously | as soon as possible, quickly | |
expend | spend | |
expenditure | spending | |
expertise | ability | |
expiration | end | |
expire | run out | |
extant | current, in force | |
extremity | limit | |
fabricate | make, make up | |
facilitate | ease, help, make possible | 是 |
factor | reason | |
failed to | didn’t | |
failure to | if you do not | |
feasible | can be done, workable | |
females | women | |
finalise | end, finish | |
finalize | complete, finish | |
following | after | |
for a period of | for | |
for example,______etc. | for example, such as | |
for the duration of | during, while | |
for the purpose of | to, for | |
for the reason that | because | |
forfeit | give up, lose | |
formulate | plan, devise | |
forthwith | now, at once | |
forward | send | 是 |
frequently | often | 是 |
function | act, role, work | |
furnish | give, send | 是 |
further to | after, following | |
furthermore | then, also, and | |
generate | produce, give, make | |
give consideration to | consider, think about | |
grant | give | |
has a requirement for | needs | |
henceforth | from now on, from today | |
hereby | now, by this (or edit out) | |
herein | here, (或去掉) | 是 |
hereinafter | after this (or edit out) | |
hereof | of this | |
hereto | to this | |
heretofore | until now, previously | 是 |
hereunder | below | |
herewith | below, here, with this, (或去掉) | 是 |
hitherto | until now | |
hold in abeyance | wait, postpone | |
hope and trust | hope, trust (but not both) | |
however | but | |
identical | same | |
identify | find, name, show | |
if and when | if, when (but not both) | |
illustrate | show, explain | |
immediately | at once, (now) | 是 |
impacted | affected, changed | |
implement | carry out, start, do | 是 |
imply | suggest, hint at | |
in a number of cases | some (or say how many) | |
in a timely manner | on time, promptly | |
in accordance with | by, following, per, under, as under, in line with, because of | 是 |
in addition | also, besides, too, and, as well as | 是 |
in advance | before | |
in an effort to | to | |
in case of | if | |
in conjunction with | and, with | |
in connection with | for, about | |
in consequence | because, as a result | |
in excess of | more than | |
in lieu of | instead, instead of | 是 |
in order that | for, so, so that | 是 |
in order to | to | |
in receipt of | get, have, receive | |
in regard to | about, concerning, on | |
in relation to | about, with, to | 是 |
in respect of | about, for | |
in the absence of | without | |
in the amount of | for | |
in the course of | while, during | |
in the event of | if | |
in the event of/that | if | |
in the majority of instances | most, mostly | |
in the near future | shortly, soon | 是 |
in the neighbourhood of | about, around | |
in the process of | (省略) | |
in view of | since | |
in view of the above | so | |
in view of the fact that | as, because | |
inappropriate | wrong, unsuitable | |
inasmuch as | since | |
inception | start, beginning | 是 |
incorporating | which includes | |
incumbent upon | must | |
incur | have to pay, owe | |
indicate | show, write down, suggest | 是 |
indication | sign | |
inform | tell | |
initial | first | |
initially | at first | |
initiate | start, begin | 是 |
insert | put in | |
instances | cases | |
intend to | will | |
inter alia | (省略) | |
interface | meet, work with | |
interpose no objection | don’t object | |
intimate | say, hint | |
irrespective of | despite, even if | |
is applicable to | applies to | |
is authorized to | may | |
is in consonance with | agrees with, follows | |
is of the opinion | thinks | |
is responsible for | (省略) handles | |
issue | give, send | |
it appears | seems | |
it is | (省略) | |
it is essential | must, need to | |
it is known that | I/we know that | |
it is requested | please, we request, I request | |
jeopardise | risk, threaten | |
(a) large number of | many, most (or say how many) | |
liaison | discussion | |
limited number | limits | |
locality | place, area | |
locate | find, put | |
magnitude | size | 是 |
maintain | keep, support | |
(it is) mandatory | (you) must | |
manner | way | |
manufacture | make | |
marginal | small, slight | |
material | relevant | |
materialise | happen, occur | |
maximum | greatest, largest, most | |
may in the future | may, might, could | |
merchandise | goods | |
methodology | method | |
minimize | decrease, method | |
minimum | least, smallest | |
mislay | lose | |
modification | change | |
modify | change | |
monitor | check, watch | |
moreover | and, also, as well | |
necessitate | cause, need | |
negligible | very small | |
nevertheless | but, however, even so | |
not later than 10 May | by 10 May, before 11 May | |
not later than 1600 | by 1600 | |
notify | let know, tell | 是 |
notwithstanding | inspite of, still, even if, despite, yet | 是 |
numerous | many, (或者直接说多少) | 是 |
objective | aim, goal | 是 |
obligate | bind, compel | |
(it is) obligatory | (you) must | |
observe | see | |
obtain | get, receive | |
occasioned by | caused by, because of | |
on a regular basis | (省略) | |
on behalf of | for | |
on numerous occasions | often | |
on request | if you ask | |
on the grounds that | because | |
on the occasion that | when, if | |
operate | run, use, work | 是 |
optimum | best, greatest, most, ideal | 是 |
option | choice, way | 是 |
ordinarily | normally, usually | |
otherwise | or | |
outstanding | unpaid | |
owing to | because of | |
parameters | limits | |
partially | partly | |
participate | take part, join in | 是 |
particulars | details, facts | |
per annum | a year | |
perform | do | 是 |
permissible | allowed | |
permit | let, allow | 是 |
personnel | people, staff | |
persons | people, anyone | |
pertaining to | about, of, on | |
peruse | read, read carefully, look at | |
place | put | |
portion | part | |
possess | have, own | 是 |
possessions | belongings | |
practicable | practical | |
practically | almost, nearly | |
preclude | prevent | |
predominant | main | |
prescribe | set, fix | |
preserve | keep, protect | |
previous | earlier, before, last | 是 |
previously | before | |
principal | main | |
prior to | before | 是 |
prioritize | rank | |
proceed | do, go ahead, try | 是 |
procure | (省略), get, obtain, arrange | 是 |
proficiency | skill | |
profusion of | plenty, too many (or say how many) | |
prohibit | ban, stop | |
projected | estimated | |
prolonged | long | |
promptly | quickly, at once | |
promulgate | issue, publish, advertise, announce | 是 |
proportion | part | |
provide | give, offer, say | 是 |
provided that | if, as long as | 是 |
provides guidance for | guides | |
provisions | rules, terms | |
proximity | closeness, nearness | |
purchase | buy | 是 |
pursuant to | by, following, per, under, because of, in line with | 是 |
reconsider | think again about, look again at | |
reduce | cut | |
reduction | cut | |
referred to as | called | |
refers to | talks about, mentions | |
reflect | say, show | |
(have) regard to | take into account | |
regarding | about, of, on | 是 |
regulation | rule | |
reimburse | repay, pay back | |
reiterate | repeat, restate | |
relating to | about | |
relative to | about, on | |
relocate | move | |
remain | stay | 是 |
remainder | rest, the rest, what is left | 是 |
remittance | payment | |
remuneration | pay, payment, wages, salary | 是 |
render | give, make, send | 是 |
report | tell | |
represents | is, show, stands for | 是 |
request | ask, question | 是 |
require | must, need, want, force | 是 |
requirement | need | |
requirements | needs, rules | |
reside | live | 是 |
residence | home, where you live | |
restriction | limit | |
retain | keep | 是 |
review | look at (again) | |
revised | new, changed | |
said, some, such | the, this, that | |
said/such/same | the, this, that | |
scrutinise | read (look at) carefully | |
select | choose | |
selection | choice | |
set forth in | in | |
settle | pay | |
similar to | like | |
similarly | also, in the same way | |
solely | only | |
solicit | ask for, request | |
specified | given, written, set | |
state | say, tell us, write down | |
state-of-the-art | latest | |
statutory | legal, by law | |
subject | the, this, your | |
subject to | depending on, under, keeping to | |
submit | give, send | 是 |
subsequent | later, next | |
subsequent to/upon | after | |
subsequently | after, later, then | 是 |
substantial | large, much, great, a lot of | 是 |
substantially | more or less | |
successfully complete | complete, pass | |
sufficient | enough | 是 |
supplement | go with, add to | |
supplementary | extra, more | |
supply | give, sell, deliver | |
take action to | (省略) | |
(the) tenant | you | |
terminate | end, stop | 是 |
that being the case | if so | |
the month of | (省略) | |
the question as to whether | whether | |
the undersigned | I | |
the use of | (省略) | |
there are | (省略) | |
there is | (省略) | |
thereafter | then, afterwards | |
thereby | by that, because of that | |
therefore | so | |
therein | there, in that | 是 |
thereof | its, their, of that | 是 |
thereto | to that | |
this activity, command | us, we | |
thus | so, therefore | |
time period | (任选一个) | |
timely | prompt | |
to date | so far, up to now | |
to the extent that | if, when | |
transfer | change, move | |
transmit | send | 是 |
type | (省略) | |
ultimately | in the end, finally | |
unavailability | lack of | |
under the provisions of | under | |
undernoted | the following | |
undersigned | I, we | |
undertake | agree, promise, do | |
uniform | same, similar | |
unilateral | one-sided, one-way | |
unoccupied | empty | |
until such time | until | |
until such time as | until | |
utilisation | use | |
utilise | use | |
utilize, utilization | use | |
validate | confirm | |
variation | change | |
viable | practical, workable | |
vice | instead of, versus | |
virtually | almost (or edit out) | |
visualise | see, predict | |
warrant | call for, permit | |
ways and means | ways | |
we have pleasure in | we are glad to | |
whatsoever | whatever, what, any | |
whensoever | when | |
whereas | because, since, but | 是 |
whether or not | whether | |
with a view to | to, so that | |
with effect from | from | |
with reference to | about | 是 |
with regard to | about, for | |
with respect to | about, for | |
with the exception of | except for | |
with the minimum of delay | quickly (or say when) | |
witnessed | saw | |
you are requested | please | |
your attention is drawn to | please see, please note | |
your office | you | |
zone | area, region | |
/ (斜线) | and, or |
cat sat on the mat 和 Janet and John 是两本童书,这里指的是写给孩子看的过分简单的东西. ↩︎
我在这里非常想要跳出来补充一下,因为我之前读到过余光中的《论中文的常态与变态》⧉(该文发表于 1987 年 10 月号的杂志《明报月刊》),他在文章中批评“中文西化”⧉现象时提到过这个问题. 在文章的第 6-15 段,他就指出了“名词化”的问题:“英文好用抽象名词,其结果是软化了动词,也可以说是架空了动词”、“巴仁(Jacques Barzun)与屈林(Lionel Trilling)等学者把这类广泛的动词叫做「弱动词」(weak verb)”、“巴仁等学者感概现代英文喜欢化简为繁、化动为静、化具体为抽象、化直接为迂回,到了「名词成灾」(noun-plague)的地步”……这里不再过多引用,推荐感兴趣的读者去阅读余光中的文章,很长,但很具体,对我们的中文写作也许会有一些启发. ↩︎
这里指的是英国. ↩︎
- 第 1 期:Debbie Downer - 语言表达法
- 第 2 期:call sb. on the carpet - 语言表达法
- 第 3 期:your mileage may vary (YMMV) - 语言表达法
- 第 4 期:long in the tooth - 语言表达法
- 第 5 期:kick the can down the road - 语言表达法
- 第 6 期:salt on one's tail - 语言表达法
- 第 7 期:【译】如何用简明英语写作 - 语言表达法(就是这篇!)